They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and take hold with them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.

Luke 5:7. Amplified Version


Since the Lord gave Rev. Mike the vision of a massive harvest of souls through the mandate to reach 30 million souls for whom Christ died in at least 50 countries, we have not ceased to signal our partners around the world to come and take hold with us.

Through our mass evangelistic crusades, we are seeing many become born again. It is amazing as God is giving us the gates of our enemies. We are seeing hardened criminals, cult leaders, gang members, etc, become born again.

This is possible because of the sacrifices of committed partners who have responded to our calls. If you are one of our partners, we thank you for standing with us. If you are not yet a partner with us, then, pray about becoming one today. Join us to reap the massive harvest fields of the earth.

Partners make the following commitments:

One, they pray for us. Your prayer can make tremendous power available to us. Yes, your prayers can be dynamic in its working as we travel to the nations. We need your prayer support.

Two, they go with us. You can go with us to the many places we go to. You can come as a medical personnel, volunteer worker, counselor, usher, helper. There is something you can do when you are in the field with us. What you can do nobody has been designed to do. You can imagine the difference your presence will make.

Three, they give of themselves and thier substance. You can give your time, talent and treasure. You can give those clothes, shoes, goods and any other material thing that can make someone else happy and open to the gospel we preach. You can give your money. You can plan to give or or or or or on a monthly basis. You can sponsor a crusade with a one time donation of or or or or .

Let the Lord of the harvest use you today. Remember: you came to this world with nothing. You will certainly leave with nothing. So, you must give everything you have. You will be remembered by what you have done.

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts, as [happened] in the rebellion [of Israel] and their provocation and embitterment [of Me] in the day of testing in the wilderness.

Hebrews 3:7,8. Amplified Version


...impacting the shaking world with the sure WORD! Rom. 10:8.